Ok Countertops

We decided to add a touch of sophistication to the living room with a white marble frame under the TV. This marble, renowned for its purity and elegance, was set to become the focal point, providing a refined and luminous contrast to the space.

Our team worked with utmost precision and care to protect the living room during installation. We ensured that each step of the process honoured the quality of the white marble, resulting in an exceptional frame that not only beautifies the space but also tells a story of art and design.

The Challenger

Installing the white marble frame was a creative adventure. Every detail, from cutting to finishing, was designed to enhance the natural beauty of the marble and its interaction with the room’s natural and artificial light. We focused on how this element could transform the experience of being in the living room, not just visually, but also in terms of the overall atmosphere.

The Result

Upon completion, the living room was transformed. The white marble frame beneath the TV became an artistic piece, bringing a sense of spaciousness and timeless elegance. The room gained a new character, with the marble acting as a canvas that reflected the personality and taste of the homeowners.